Maintain Your Baby’s Sleep Routine During Holiday Travel

Planning to go on holiday with your little one? And, you’re worried about how you would maintain your baby’s sleep routine while traveling, right?

You don’t need to worry about the same as you’re not going to disrupt your baby’s sleep routine. With the right information, a perfect downloadable checklist, and the right tools before you begin your travel makes your holiday with friends and family a quite enjoyable one.

Here is an ultimate guide to travel with your baby without affecting your baby’s sleep routine:

  1. Understand the sleep issues that your baby might face during your holiday
  2. Prepare yourself for a holiday in advance so that you can easily maintain your baby’s healthy sleep pattern
  3. Download the simplest & easiest-to-carry checklist to maintain your baby’s sleep routine on holiday travels (the checklist ensures your baby gets enough and healthy sleep anywhere, anytime)

What sleep issues a baby faces during the holidays and what you can do to avoid the same?

Sleep Issue: Irregular nap times

Sometimes, due to the change in the timezones, your baby’s nap timings get changed. If your baby used to take a nap at 5 PM at your home, it might shift to 7 PM or even to 3 PM based on the time zone you’re traveling to. This disrupts your baby’s sleep routine big time.

Solution: Plan your outings based on your baby’s nap timings

Your baby needs nap at regular intervals. Especially when you are traveling, the number of times your baby takes the nap increases. So, when you plan your holiday, try to avoid having travels, adventure activities, going to noisy places, etc. during the nap timings of your baby. This ensures your baby’s sleep routine does not get hampered.

Sleep Issue: Extensive playing despite your baby feels sleepy

New places not only attracts you but even your baby. When your baby enjoys the place or surroundings you’ve traveled to, your baby wants to play more, enjoy more. So, your baby might skip a few naps and keep on playing despite being very sleepy. This largely disrupts your baby’s sleep and might make your baby fussy.

Solution: Put your baby on the car seat or stroller

Look for your baby’s sleepiness cues and stop all the activities your baby involved in. Follow the entire bedtime routine checklist and help your baby sleep in the car seat or stroller.

Sleep Issue: Unable to adjust in the newer and stranger places

Your baby has a strong sense of feeling whenever he/she visits new places and even new people. So, your baby might not adjust in the newer places during your holiday. At such places, your baby doesn’t want to sleep and hence, his/her sleep gets disturbed.

Solution: Get your baby’s sleep routine as per holiday plans almost 2-3 weeks before

Try making your baby sleep on a portable crib for one day and again, making him/her sleep on your own crib. This allows your baby to know that he/she might get different places to sleep but they will be comfortable ones for him/her.

You can completely rely on these baby sleep tips during your travel as they will be a lifesaver for your holiday.

Sleep Issue: Homesickness felt by your baby

While on holiday travel, your baby can sense easily that he/she is not at home. Your baby might become fussy and keep on crying. Your baby starts missing the comfort of your home due to which your baby does not get a sound sleep.

Solution: Take Zen Sleepwear™ with you on your holiday

During your travel, Zen Sleepwear™ helps your baby to soothe between cuddles with you. It is lightly weighted cuddle pads that mimics your gentle touch to make your baby calm much easier and sleep longer. And, this completely eliminates the homesickness felt by your baby during traveling.

Here is Zen Sleepwear travel bundle to fill your baby’s holiday with a calm environment, sweet dreams, and your gentle touch.

If you’re are in the hotel room, recreate your baby’s bedroom in your hotel room. Download the sleep routine template for holidays and carry the same with you. It has easy and quick steps that help you recreate your baby’s bedroom in your hotel room in no time.

Sleep Issue: More travel leads to overtired baby

Your vacation might have flight travels, road travels, and even walking travels which your baby is not used to. So, too much travel make your baby tired and his/her sleep gets affected. In fact, your baby might take too many naps during the daytime and may not sleep during the nighttime. This affects his healthy sleep pattern and your vacation too.

Solution: Follow all the tips to get your overtired baby to sleep

Here is a complete list of sleep tips that helps you calm your overtired baby and make him/her sleep. Make sure you are following the same even at your home. It helps your baby to calm down easily and have a healthy sleep throughout the night.

Have a safe and memorable holiday with your little one!


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